Sunday, 16 September 2007

Unfinished work ............

We all have unfinished work left around, I found this lyric/poem behind the sofa, bit dusty but hopefully it works ..................

Reality Show

We're really sorry you've been delayed
But there's been an incident ahead
We hope your'e soon again underway
But I guess your'e rubber necking
wondering if someone is dead
Where we were once victorian
If you'r'e a natural historian
You know what you are seeing
It's the british way of being
Acting like life is one big reality show

We're swapping wives for the TV
At home it's another man's meat
Hope you're proud of this morality
But I guess relationships are limiting
and too easily we admit defeat
Where we were once victorian
If you're a natural historian
You know what you are seeing
It's the british way of being
Acting like life is one big reality show

Think the heat is getting to us
Our brains are fried up in OK
Dead people in the news ain't no fuss
Is this really Blairs Third Way
Don't listen to a word they say
Where we were once victorian
If you're a natural historian
You know what you are seeing
It's the british way of being
Knowing that life is now one big reality show

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