soooo..... I'm learning to navigate this condition, currently without work in the mix, however it is always one step at a time. Feel quite good today so thought I would share what I think thus far.
I have to have some rules in place, Im thinking that I need to be firm with myself Sunday-Thursday with these rules but perhaps lay off them a bit Friday / Saturday ... some of the rules being
no Alchohol
no Caffeine after 6pm
any negative thoughts need application of Mindfulness
if buzzing starts ..... need to reign in and consider PCR Med
write down any scary ruminations, deal at weekend with that thinking --> solution
walks thrice a day, Mindfully
if oversharing starts ..... ned to write down what it is and why? I feel I need to share
ensure Carol knows not to reason with me when I'm being unreasonable, just park it
do not judge self, park it
if you lose to the condition, dont lose the lesson learnt in that
~ come back stronger next time
remember I'm entitled to happiness, it's not selfish though thats the rumination at work
no late nights during week
eat slowly, chew every mouthful
keep in touch with friends, arrange this for 2/3 times in the week
avoid 'junk food' for the mind, avoid news during the week :(
take care with finances, dont spend impulsively
It seems you can’t be mentally healthy if you’re not sleeping enough or without interruptions. Regular daily routine will help this and I need to target staying normothymic. Remember good sleep hygiene. If wake up, get up, dont use lit screens in night, go back to bed when tired. Keep same waking time. Evening tiredness should not lead to taking stimulants.
Stimulants and sedatives will affect my highs and lows, affecting my mechanisms that are responsible for maintaining my normal mood. In particular coffee negatively affects the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, something which is essential to my mental health. Hence evening rule on caffiene is important regardless of tiredness.
Stability = Hopefully if my sleep is regular, indicates that my medication is right for me
Exercise has to become more and more important so that I build up a regular exercise regime
I appreciate that I'm not going to get this all running immediately but the above along with Therapy , GP review , Psych review appear to be my main targets at the moment.
hope that makes sense, Tony
Hi Tony
Read your post on Aviva World today and although I don't know you I remembered, very guiltily (if that's even a word)taking the mickey out of the brightly coloured suit you wore for charity earlier in the year.
Anyway enough waffle, just to wish you all the best and hoping you can return to some semblance of normality some day soon.
If when you return to work and feel the need to rant and need someone to rant at, feel free.
Keith,Thanks, yes that was me, thanks for your kind words Tony
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