Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Twelve Symptoms of Christmas

I had my mental health review this last week.  My meds were altered in the hope that will unlock my intellect for the workplace, reducing my mood stabiliser by 50mg.  Quetiapine.

I think I have written before how having gone back to work I feel muddled when it comes to my intellect and workplace skills.  Bereft of a lot of them.

However, what I want to write about here over Christmas is the 12 symptoms of BiPolar that Im aware of and I wanted to reflect after my review simply on what that means for me and many others and where Christmas might be a challenge.  I dont want to come across all whingey as this feels as ever, like first world problems, but to just share some additional awareness.  Also I can write this and point my Mum and Dad at the blog as our face to face conversations can be awkward.  

The 1st:  Mood Swings ~ Manic and Depressive

Im plateau in a low-ish mood at the moment and so Im experiecing a level of Depression having previously been Manic about 6-7 weeks back.  Im not getting the heightened mood ( Hypomania ) at all at the moment, work seems to have dipped me down below the mood I had at home before my latest return. Christmas is interesting as there is less of a chance to hide away at this time of year and navigating the condition means you need to pick when and where to expose yourself.  I think its worth saying im Type II which is I think, where I have more Depressive episodes than Hypomania episodes.  I think for example Type I is what Stephen Fry navigates.

 A mood swing is characterized by high levels of positivity followed by high levels of negativity and depression or vice versa. Manic periods can last anywhere from a few days to a few months, as can their depressive counterparts.

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