Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Sunday Evening Syndrome & BPD

BiPolar is an interesting condition to have.  I had 'Sunday Evening Syndrome' this last Sunday as I had been on holiday for a week and a half and a lot of the BPD symptoms were mulling around in various ways.

My head was switching from can't keep up with it all to can do it all, from can't possibly fail to irritation that I didn't think I would be able to hit the ground running after a week and a half wrapped up in my family and far from work ( well apart from when my anxiety meant I logged into my work eMail account ).
Depression teetered, doubting my ability to do anything well, my mind feeling like it was burning out and that I was virtually useless.  Folks say 'it will pass' and they are right BUT in the moment this and the anxiety and so unnerving.  I thought I had built up some resilience recently as I had a good 4 weeks full time before my holiday and things had gone okay.

Then, off the back of some great family times I had a bounce into Mania, fast ideas coming too fast, too many ideas.  In stead of clarity there is an overwhleming confusion but a belief that I'm on the curve, I think my humour is brilliant BUT it fails to amuse others.  Everything ends up against the grain. 
It seems that, basically, my condition seems to have exacerbated my 'Sunday Evening Syndrome', eventually I get to grips with it all to some degree, I find some distraction, I create time for mindfulness and breathing ( pulling myself away from Mania ). 
Eventually I get to sleep later that night, a short nights sleep and I'm at work Monday morning, tired as a Dog BUT I'm at work, I haven;t succumbed to despair and mania, I haven't beaten my condition BUT I have navigated it.  I'm tired all day Monday but I acheive a few small things and a sense of stability is there by the end of the day.

The problem is that this condition has exhausted me and that's ridiculous and perhaps hard to run by others as I don't want to live off excuses or be a passenger at work and so I continue to try and navigate my condition through my tiredness and I'm glad that my mood swings have settled.
Just wanted to try and get across teh effort that the condition can some times require to navigate it.

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