Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Absurd Words

The below poem came from reading the Stephen Fry book 'The ode less travelled' which wonderful though it is, makes the art of poetry more complicated than I need it to be, for me its free form and free flowing and creative without stress, its carthartic and needs to stay that way, hence I object to the rules ;)

Poem: Absurd Words

If I worry about the meter 
Of my poetry I will peter
If I worry about the stressed
And syllables unstressed
I will Shout
If we talk of an Apple its an AP-ple
If we talk of Fantastic then its Fan-TAS-tic
To be ruled by these rules feels drastic
No doubt Shakespeare would think me a prick!

No LONger MOURN for ME when I am DEAD
Is Iambic foot , please shoot me in the head
Iambic rhythm exists too
Though I’m at a loss to explain to you
That’s hows it goes madam and sirrah!

Heres a sentence written in Iambic meter
As WITH paul AS with PETE
Reverse iambic uses different words
An AP-ple FOR our Fa-ther would be heard

I have no idea what Im doing
I guess you guessed that’s my undoing !!!!


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