Friday, 12 October 2018

The Black Art of Normal

So I’ve called this BLOG ‘The Art of Normal’ because I think something we with Mental Health challenges to navigate ask ourselves ‘What is Normal?’,’Whatever Normal Is?’, it seems in reality being ‘Normal’ is a Black Art and actually I guess for me it feels like it might mean being Bland.   What I actually feel, after a number of years contemplating my BiPolar II, is that I want to be more even headspace wise and more resilient before, during and after episodes.   I think that’s probably the best I can ask for.
I’ve said before that the key thing to hold onto when you are in a dark place is that its likely that ‘You Are Not Alone (YANA)’, there will be folks facing the same challenges that you can perhaps link in with online or you may directly know but your Family & Friends are probably more forgiving that you think about your condition, some family’s are admittedly harder work than others though. I though have asked myself, “When will it end?” more times than I like to think. I, too, have questioned why I can’t just be “normal.”   If you’ve been in a dark place for a long time now, I want you to know you’re not alone.  It can be hard to know how to escape the darkness, or if it’s even possible.
I guess the twee advice here is ‘Look for the Light’, whatever lights your life up generally, for me currently my Grandchildren can spark a smile when nothing else can.  Reading a moldly old comic book can do it too or an old wobby set episode of Tom Baker Doctor Who.
I understand that when we want to feel ‘normal’ we can also feel ‘hopeless’.

Here are some posts from The Mighty that may help you: -

Resources like the Mighty can be useful when you feel hopeless, we will be exposed to Happy & Sad however we need to hold onto the Happy stuff as hard as we can and grab more of it.



Tuesday, 9 October 2018

21 Days Later ................. World Mental Health AwarenessDay today

Today is World Mental Health Awarenss Day.

In the Office Im facilitating a challenge with folks with a colleague called '21 Days of Happiness'.
It might sound a bit twee but when another colleague did this earlier this year in the workplace everyone who did the challenge saw an uplift in their happiness, we are getting them to do a survey before and after to self assess levels of happiness in order to know.

I thought as quite a few people have been reading my BLOG lately that people might benefit from this challenge so I'm going to set you up for that and it's up to you whether you have a go.

The 21 Days challenge is also based on the fact that its perceived that it takes 21-30 days for something to become a habit, I think its also bandied around that if you spend 10000 hours on something that you become an expert.  Don't know about that as I've spent way more than 10000 hours as a human being and I don't think I'm an expert.

So, these are the tasks if you want to try the challenge:-

Wednesday 10th October

  • Mindfulness – There are many documented benefits to meditation including reducing the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. According to Acor, meditation also allows us to get over our cultural ADHD, that has us focusing on more than one thing at once. It allows the mind to quiet and opens us up to new possibilities.
Thursday 11th October
    • Write three new things you are grateful for – This helps train your brain to scan the world for the positive things first, rather than focusing on the negative things. Gratitude has long been linked to increased happiness and it’s surprising how quickly your life can improve with this simple practice.
Friday 12th October
    • Journal about one positive thing that has happened in the past 24 hours, this process allows your brain to relive the positive experience. There are many options for journaling, online with sites such as Penzu or a hand-written journal. Writing by hand, rather than digitally, has been shown to increase learning, which might be helpful when you’re trying to change thought patterns.
Saturday 13th October
    • Exercise for at least 15 minutes –  exercise increases your levels of dopamine, energy, and helps improve your overall sense of well being.
Sunday 14th October
    • Mindfulness – There are many documented benefits to meditation including reducing the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. According to Acor, meditation also allows us to get over our cultural ADHD, that has us focusing on more than one thing at once. It allows the mind to quiet and opens us up to new possibilities.
Monday 15th October
    • Random acts of kindness – In Acor’s study, he had participants write one positive email that praised someone in their social network, but there are many ways to perform random acts of kindness. Get creative and have fun, you will not only make someone else’s day, but it will improve your own.
Tuesday 16th October
    • Write three new things you are grateful for – This helps train your brain to scan the world for the positive things first, rather than focusing on the negative things. Gratitude has long been linked to increased happiness and it’s surprising how quickly your life can improve with this simple practice.
Wednesday 17th October
Journal about one positive thing that has happened in the past 24 hours
Thursday 18th October
Exercise for at least 15 minutes 
Friday 19th October
Saturday 20th October
Random acts of kindness
Sunday 21st October
Write three new things you are grateful for
Monday 22nd October
Journal about one positive thing that has happened in the past 24 hours
Tuesday 23rd October
Exercise for at least 15 minutes 
Wednesday 24th October
Thursday 25th October
Random acts of kindness
Friday 26th October
Write three new things you are grateful for
Saturday 27th October
Journal about one positive thing that has happened in the past 24 hours
Sunday 28th October
Exercise for at least 15 minutes 
Monday 29th October
Tuesday 30th October
Write what you are grateful for from the 21 days of Happiness challenge – perhaps journal this but equally think about a BLOG or a POEM or anything creative as writing goes

Good Luck if you choose to try this.


Thursday, 4 October 2018

Blank Page

Its national poetry day today so here is a very quickly written poem for the occasion from myself:-

Blank Page

I thought I’d write a poem
So I’m getting in the mood
I’ve took off all my clothes
And I’m writing in the nude

Did that get your attention
I guess it probably depends
On what you see in your head
And how close we are as Friends

Maybe I should write something serious
Something that brings a tear to your eye
Romance you from the written page
But I’m not that kind of Guy

I could right about things Politic
Surely that would be quite drab
However I think the consensus is
That Polticians right now are bad

So here we are on Poetry day
A page to fill in front of me
I’ll let my character fill the page
I thinks that’s probably key

Whats the most important thing
That I could say to you today
I think I would tell you to be more kind
Every single day ………….

Written 4th October 2018

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

........& now for something completely different ?!?

Sometimes being creative can be a real cartharsis for someone navigating mental health, I love that I'm allowed to shout on stage with my friends occasionally:-

Our band is called Spewtum, its 4 old Punks Spewtum @ Capstock 2018 , apologies for sound quality as it all depends on where the camera is compared to the speakers .........   This sees the first ever Capstock stage invasion :)

Enjoy or Endure , you decide  x x 

Monday, 1 October 2018

Suicidal Thoughts ( thoughts on thoughts )

This is going to be difficult because once I publish this then my family can read it, so I approach this BLOG with trepidation as it’s a subject that Ive only lightly touched on with all my family.
How do you talk to other folks about Suicidal Thoughts who have never experienced them before?   I told my dad last year: “When I say I’ve had a good month, it means a haven’t been consumed with thoughts on failure or even fleeting thoughts on dying.”  My Dad is straight up working class and has never struggled with his Mental Health as far as I can tell, I think it may be different for my Mum, though undiagnosed  — and it’s often hard for me to explain to them what it’s like to deal with navigating my BiPolar.   They are though always very concerned about me.

Let me be straight, Its very rare I have ‘people would be better off without me’ thoughts and I’m also a coward so Im not sure I could ever do anything about it.  I really cant get my head around self harm for instance as I just have no frame of reference at all.  I imagine that its  quite human to want to end our struggling and protect others from our struggle by absenting ourself from Life, it’s the very extreme of hiding away under the bed covers for weeks on end, just that you cannot come back from it. I know many who struggle as I do. I know many struggle greater than I do, most I imagine, some less. I know that this is first world problems & my heart hurts when I see the Injustices that other nations have and I have all the material stuff and benefits of the UK.  While I know I’m not alone in my frustration, I can feel alone even when surrounded by friends and family, that sounds counter intuitive I bet. Almost always the thoughts of Carol & the children rush my mind and save me from myself, so though I have absolutely catastrophic thoughts about professional failure I don’t have to deal with the stark reality of Suicidal thoughts very often. I think that whomever or whatever you put before yourself, is what you need to hold onto in those moments. By that I mean those you hold up as the most precious people in your life.  Allow yourself to feel everything but don’t live constantly in a Rut of your negative thoughts if you can absolutely do something to pull back from them, the quaint phrase that everyone uses is ‘This too shall pass’ and its true but in the dark moments you don’t feel that.  It may oft pass in a very painful way for you but it will pass and you have to foregive yourself at that point. Foregive yourself the awful things that you contemplated, the awful outcomes you fleetingly sought.  Passing out the other side of the dark means that you can tell people that things can & do get better ………………..

Depression is of course, tinged with feelings of great sadness, the worst though can be the numbness, the inability to get out of bed and face the world. Whether life was/is good or bad, I could be numb to it all. Again the everyone is better off without me thoughts can surface in your everyday life.    You can feel that you only have negative energy and negative thoughts.  Depression is a Liar and a Thief, It lies about your head and it steals your time.   The problem is the warped thinking can become your truth,  we have to call this imposter out in our lives  if we are to tackle what might lead us down the rabbit hole into Suicidal thoughts.  As ever all this is easier said than done.  I’ve never looked to take my own life, I’ve never planned it like others, I have thought about it,  even thinking about is a scary visceral reminder that thoughts and thinking are very powerful even when they are not facts, problem is with the small number of colleagues and friends that have acted this out I have only ever found out about their Suicidal thoughts too late, far too late, that’s not to say that you can have any Psychic thinking ( we all know that Psychics don’t exist don’t we / they are con artists so we cant have that ), what we can try to have is I guess a degree of discernment with ourselves and our friends.
This Blog post is as much a reminder and reassurance for myself as it is for anyone reading it. I’m not a mental health expert, but I do know how it feels to be in a really dark place and how challenging it can be. First of all, although it might feel like it, you are most definitely not alone, YANA, write that down somewhere and refer to it often, ‘You are Not Alone’. ALSO ‘This too Shall pass’, maybe very very painful but it will pass, there will be better days.  I know you can feel like the loneliest person out there; even when you are surrounded by loads of people, you can still feel alone and empty inside. But that’s not normally the factual, you feel it, but feelings are not facts. There are lots of people who want to help if you ask them. You need to let your family and friends love and support you through your difficult times when you are having really negative thoughts. That’s what they would want to be there for, they would not want to find out about your Suicidal thoughts too late, finding out too late for them is going to be the most painful experience in their loves if that happens.  I now have an agreement with both my Sons and my Wife that I will up front tell them when Im blue and I will Whatsapp them how Im feeling when I enter into a really Rut tyope episode, did that recently and it was actually uplifting when I could tell them that I had come out the other side.  Don’t feel like you’re a “burden” to them. Think of it like this: They would much rather help support you through a difficult time than not know about it and find stuff out when its too late, don’t let your friends contend with your absence and the feelings that they are too late, reach out if you can, please. It can be scary being honest about Suicidal thoughts, about any aspect of your Mental Health,  but it’s essential, particularly with Mental Health professionals who are aiding your navigation with medication and therapy. Friends are normally pretty hard to shock, really,  honestly, they are, you will be surprised how they will come alongside you even though your head is saying that they wont want to, friends and family just normally will be there.

Now the twee bits again:-
YANA – ‘You are Not Alone’.         ‘This too shall Pass.’               ‘The world needs you, and you are too valuable to lose.’        Work wise – ‘You are a Unique diverse part of your work force.’
