Wednesday, 29 July 2015

My good friend Dave 'Dodge' Palmer passed away 2 years ago, he and I used to write poetry together, he was a top bloke, I'm hoping to put together a book of his and my poetry for the Starthrowers charity later this year entitled 'A Dodgy Pair', there may even be a spoken word release on Rectum Records, home of Spewtum.

Poem - (this is) verbal diarrhoea

(this is) verbal diarrhoea

Allowing wordsmithery
The most valuable currency
That we use mostly fluently
Our words are our bonds

Enabling discourse
The formation of stories
Can tell of mans glories
With some verbal diarrhoea

We have words of honour
At our word sincere
Nos quod dicere
What we say we do

Not true

We wind and we weave
We lie and deceive
A great tapestry
for you and for me
in words their are truth
but we lie so much better
giving reign to imagination
the tales we unfetter

The child babbles
Become adults of babel
We live part in truth
Part our own fable

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