Saturday 2 January 2016

twelve symptoms #4

4. Racing Thoughts

With type II I don't have mania/hypomania as often as type I sufferers but racing thoughts are a common manic bipolar symptom.  You have a difficulty in concentrating on one thing at a time and tend to over-analyse your thoughts as well.  You can appear to jump at random from one thing to another and as you are distracted by your own racing mind you are unlikely to keep attention on any goal you might have work or home wise.  

It's true that you can enjoy clarity of mind during hypomania and it may feel productive when your thoughts are racing, flitting from one thing to another.  I tend to talk over people but I do need others to spot this in me as I rarely see it.  If/as you flip into full blown mania from hypomania you will find that you crash & burn and any high productivity is then lost.

Hope that makes sense.

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